
A Cause to Pause

The following may be offensive to some readers.  The human female anatomy is used to demonstrate laws of physics.  The intent was to inform and entertain. 

Gravity and Inertia do wonderful things to a woman's body.  It is physics in motion, which gives me cause to pause.

What is gravity?  Dictionary.com defines Gravity as the force of attraction by which terrestrial (earthly) bodies tend to fall toward the center of the earth. In other words if you drop a coin, it will fall to the ground.  It will never fall up to hit your forehead.

Inertia is the property of a terrestrial body by which it retains its state of rest or its velocity along a straight line until acted upon by an external force. In other words, if a football is in motion it wants to stay in motion unless you put your foot in front of it.  If the ball is not moving it will stay motionless unless you kick it.

So, both gravity and inertia are a force on terrestrial (earthly) bodies.  We need an attractive terrestrial body to demonstrate these laws of physics in everyday life.  How about your girlfriend?  Let's say she is shifting her weight from her right foot to her left foot (kind of a hop).  It would help if your girlfriend's breasts are large, but not necessary.  When she hops, her breasts which were not in motion react to her body moving from right to left.  The boobs gain velocity and are moving to regain their original position inside her bra.  But wait, momentum keeps the boobies moving beyond their resting position even though your girlfriend completed the hop and is now motionless.  Since they are attached to her chest her boobs snap back and come to rest in their original position.  If the boobs were not attached they might keep moving for a while, till gravity slowed them down and they fell to earth.  That's inertia.

Consider this picture for another moment.  Nice, isnt it!?  Now lets add a second image to demonstrate gravity and inertia working in tandem.

Your girlfriend is standing at an intersection waiting for the light to change.  She wants to cross the street.  When the light changes she moves forward (it helps the demonstration if she is wearing spike heals).  Basically her body is falling forward.  With each step she is breaking the fall and balancing on her two feet (a dance between gravity and inertia).  This causes the hips to shift and jiggle.  Another foot breaks the fall as it touches the ground.  The hips keep moving forward suddenly shifting and jiggling.  The left hip jiggles as the left foot falls forward and the right hip wiggles as the right foot falls forward.  To the left, to the right, left and right.  Women can be very rhythmic.

As all this hip work is taking place the bosom is in motion as well. Boobs are bouncing up and down and heaving forward and backward as the movement of your lady's shoulders compensate for each foot fall.  Guys, this is pure physics in motion and it's glorious!

When the basics of physics are comprehended in daily life they then can be applied to the universe.  Suddenly the motion of the earth and the moon, the behavior of the planets in our solar system can be understood.  Just think, it all started with your girlfriends boobs reacting to gravity and inertia.  Wow.


Know Fear

Are you fearful?  So am I.  Looking back I realize that fear has reduced me to a shivering maelstrom of emotion and despair for most of my life.   Was I timid?  I was too afraid to move.  All my life I’ve been afraid of just about everything in my environment.  A door slamming, foot steps, sirens, people.  Anything would startle me.  Immediately the question was "how is this invasion going to hurt me?"  It is the specter of change, even the slightest nuance of the “unknown,” that triggered intense fear. 

Confrontation, any kind of opposition, would cause my entire life to seize with fear.  What if they ridicule me or laugh at me?  Because of this I tried very hard to be invisible wherever I went.  I found out it is difficult to gain recognition in the entertainment industry when no one can see me.  But the logic was effective; if I am not noticed then I am safe from ridicule.  I am NOWHERE.

Fear doesn’t have to be a bad thing.  It tells me to run when staying to fight might get me killed.  Fear is not a symptom of cowardice, though it may not make me feel manly at times.  However, it may not be prudent to give a motorcycle gang “the finger” when they run a red light that forces me to miss my green light.  The same pitfalls are apparent with a gang of corporations.  If they intend to dominate the world with price controls and destroy the environment in the process, I should evaluate the danger in opposing there intent.

To be an American is to know fear.  Politicians wield fear like a machete to keep constituents in line often in the name of "God and Country."   American advertising uses fear to squeeze the last penny out of my pocketbook.  Because, if I don't spend money I will have wrinkles and not be sexy in my gray hair.  I won't have a good erection.  It's my fault when the economy tanks, because I didn't consume enough.  I didn't listen to the dire business forecast.  Never mind that I went deep into debt in the last two years just to keep food on the table.

We are fat, depressed and impotent.  No one is allowed to forget it.  Nor is anyone allowed to face their demons in a constructive way to overcome "the fear."  Our job is to drink up every iota of misinformed banality broadcast everyday.   Corporations depend on it.  They use it to funnel the final ounce of profit from advertising.  But, it's alright, after they take my last penny they'll help me file for bankruptcy - NOT REALLY.

Ad men want me hyped-up.  Politicians want to control me.  Mother wants me to be safe.   I just want a little room to be “me.”  Real freedom is in the courage to face my fears.  Real freedom is knowing that I might get murdered or I might get wealthy by pursuing that great idea.

I start to perk-up when I think about rich people having fears, too.  They don't want to lose their money and end up like me, so they invest in politics. The goal is to put the right politician in office so that their money bags don't develop holes and leak money.  Trickle-down is not in their best interests.  Politicians legislate to keep rich people rich (with nice tax cuts).  Those financially endowed keep their endowments and the politicians become more powerful.  The added power enables politicians to legislate even better ways for rich people to get richer and to stay richer (like abolishing duties on imports and not having a surcharge on their country club fees).  Soon the politicians and the rich people are so insulated that neither understands what it costs the real world to keep them in their safe nest egg.

As for me, well, I'm penniless and afraid.  I'm getting a steady drip of adrenalin and fear.  If it doesn't kill me it will keep me quivering in the corner for years.  Like a good American I hear the foot steps behind me wherever I go.  In the middle of the night something is always going bump, boom or bang.  My heart is in my throat and my gun is in my hand.  Whoever it is at the door better not come any closer.

Fear looks for guarantees.  The money will always be there.   The doctor knows what he is talking about.  My business partner is trustworthy.  My wife loves me.  But, there are no guarantees.

Politicians are on the corporate payroll to revoke whats left of the paltry safety net beneath me.   Safety nets cost money.  Why waist that money on me?  I'm just a fearful lump.  After all, moneyed people could take a vacation.  

Diabolically, legislation is positioned carefully to rip my dreams away from me.  My dreams are the only capital I own that can't be squandered.  That bothers powerful people skulking under their corporate umbrellas.

However, there is a balm that gives me succor.   It is the knowledge that the people who wield this fearful blunt instrument can themselves fall victim to the tool they use so grievously. They can become every bit as afraid.  It is their karma, I hope.

In the black between commercials that sponsor the hit TV show, in the silence among the staccato of slogans in the rhetoric of politics, remedies do show themselves.  There are ways to overcome my fear and to think for myself.  It can be done.  Just turn off the television and the radio.  Have a good look around.

So, I ask again, are you fearful?  We are all pretty much naturals at being afraid.  The trick is not to beat yourself up about it.  In the morning, smile at that wretch in the mirror and treat her well.  In the end the person in that reflection may be the only friend you have.  Smile.


The Women of Khan - Part Two

The Arrival

The Mongolian Steppes - the grass, the wind, the sun and the sky filled Sangita with a great reverence.  Into the afternoon the horses glided over endless lands conquered by Temujin, the great Genghis Khan.  He claimed ownership of everything including the water in the brook they splashed across.  Finally, Sangita looked down from a grassy hill and discovered the great Khan's army.  Suddenly there were more horses, more soldiers, more huts than stars in the sky.  The shadows they cast on the land blotted out the green grass like a great blanket on the land.  The noise emanating from there was like crashing thunder resonating continuously.

Into the maelstrom of armor the horses of the warriors who accompanied Sangita moved.  The entourage halted in front of a large tent.  One warrior jumped off his horse and entered that tent.  Shortly he exited and signaled for Sangita to dismount and come inside.

“Good morning, I am Sabuta.  Welcome and please follow me.”  Sabuta was a short, stocky man with a completely bald head.  He led Sangita to the back room of the tent.  In this room Khan had an opulent bed, imported from Russia.  Sangita had never seen anything like it.  Sabuta smiled and patted the bed.  "It is for you," he said, "climb in."

Usually, Temujin would open the walls of his tent to allow his soldiers to witness his prowess with the women in his bed.  But he would not share his bed with anyone but Sangita today.  Virgins were a private matter.  It was his great desire to please Sangita, to entice her to give herself to the great Khan.  Accomplishing this could be delicate.  Temujin had to be sensitive to the overwhelming first experience a man can be for a woman.  Shortly, Khan entered the room in a white silk robe with gold strands that glittered from his shoulders to the ground.  He opened his robe to expose his naked body.

"Please, sir, cover yourself," said Sangita.  She wasn't afraid but Sangita was not about to allow this man too close without his clothes.  The daughter of a goat herder was remembering the promises she made to her father.  How was she going to please the great Khan if she didn’t allow him near?  This was not a good start.

"I am Temujin, the Great Genghis Khan.  Are you not impressed?"

"You are a man, sir.  If you say your are the Khan, I cannot deny it."

Temujin was impressed.  This young girl was more mature and worldlier than most of the women that were brought to his bed.

"I have for you a silk shawl and pearls," he reached into a box.   "Have you ever seen pearls before?"  He handed her the gifts.

Rubbing the silk against her cheek, "My, this is very fine and pretty."  Sangita greatly admired pretty things.  She fondled the pearl necklace.

"Please, put them on," said Khan.  He was pleased to see her admiration for the baubles.

"So you have come to visit me.  How can I make your visit a pleasant one?"

"You can give me my horse and goat and let me go home."

Khan suppressed a smile.  He did enjoy the composure of this young woman.  "You will go home soon enough but first I would like very much to know you."

"Know me?  I thought this was a short visit.  How will you know me in that amount of time?"  It occurred to her what he meant and she put her hand to her mouth and blushed

He advanced slowly, moving onto the bed beside Sangita.  He touched her shoulder and arm and began  kissing her neck.

"Sir that is an untoward move."  She lifted a shoulder to her neck and banished Temujin's lips.

"Oh, but you want a horse, do you not?"  He was exploring her midriff with his palm

"Of course I do.  But what do you expect of me?"  Sangita pushed his hand away.

"I want to lay with you and enjoy your presence here."  Khan began to maneuver over and on top of Sangita as he pulled away the straps of her clothing.

"No!"  She spoke sharply in a whisper.  With a lithe move Sangita shoved Temujin away from her.  He tumbled off the bed, coming to rest on the ground at the entrance of the room.

Khan sat up and rubbed his chin.  This had never happened before.  Momentarily he was angry and shocked.  But he was smiling as he pondered his dilemma.  How was he going to keep Sangita appeased while stealing her virtue?  His ardor was mounting and there was only a little time to spend with Sangita.

"I know," thought Temujin.  He jumped up and ran into the next room.  "Sabuta, where is the queen's ring and braclet?"

"It is where all your jewelry is, Temujin," said Sabuta, a warrior and a trusted servant of Khan's.

"Get it for me."

"You are giving the queens jewelry away?"

"Of course not, I am allowing Sangita to wear it so that I might persuade her to open her legs for me."  With jewelry in hand, Temujin darted back in the bedroom.

Sabuta looked incredulous.  No woman had ever been so demanding of the great Temujin.  Tiptoeing to the entrance of the bed room Sabuta took a peak at the situation.

"Look what I have for you, Sangita.  These were taken from the Jin Dynasty in China.  It is fine jade."  He slipped the ring on a finger of her right hand and pushed the bracelet on her wrist.

"These are beautiful," said Sangita.  She stared at her hand and wrist.

Khan's patience was running very thin.  A tribal council was waiting to speak to him and their were plans to be made for the next few days of the campaign.  He had hoped to bed Sangita now and again later after tribal affairs were dealt with.  The jewelry made Sangita's aloofness regal.  Her allure was growing and Temujin had to have her.  When he leaped on her she screamed.

In the adjoining tent tribesmen waiting for Temujin smiled.  "Khan is having his way with another woman," said a tribesman.  "It's too bad the tent is not open for us to behold the spectacle."  It was a good thing for Temujin that they could not see.

Temujin ripped at Sangita's clothes and was about to thrust his hips between her legs.  Sangita was quicker and put her knee into his testicles.  She sat up in bed sobbing, her clothes torn.  Khan was rolling in bed in way he had never done before.  The pain between his legs was sharp and debilitating.  His left testicle was swelling and Sangita shoved him off the bed with a thrust of her foot.

Khan was indignant, embarrassed and impressed by this young woman.  As the pain subsided he began to smile a little, until he tried to get up.  The pain between his legs shot through his abdomen and his knees buckled.  Temujin managed to crawl out of the bed room and carefully stood up.  Resting a hand on his knee and smiling at Sabuta, "Let her keep the jewelry.  Give her three goats and three horses.  And Sabuta, never say anything about this to anyone."  The great Genghis Khan left the tent hobbling but still smiling.  He limped into the adjoining tent to speak to his council.

"So Temujin, you have taken another woman," said a member of the tribal council.  "From the looks of you she must have been a wild one.  Will there be another woman waiting for you when you leave us.?"

"Of course, old friends, isn't there always?"  The tent erupted into laughter.

Sangita was given fine clothes to replace the torn ones.  She was placed on her horse and in tow were three more horses and three goats.  In all it had been a fine experience.  She had met Temujin, the great Genghis Khan, and conquered him.


The Women of Khan

Temujin, the great Genghis Khan, conquered more land than anyone before him or since.  His was a great hunger for knowledge, power, and women.  Amongst building armies and controlling his dominions, personal conquests were the foundation of Temujin's day.  It was the influx of women from all over his empire that piqued his desire.

In his walled city Khan had many wives and mistresses.  His law was that all women were legally married and all their children legitimate.  By his edict, the women of his empire were married to him, the great Khan.   Every woman knew this and expected a "call" from Temujin at least once in her life.  It was a form of feminine conscription.   On the streets of his city he would see a woman and have her brought to his bed.  For a night or maybe repeated nights he would lay with her, then Temujin was off with another woman.

When his armies were on the move, squads of horse soldiers scoured the Mongolian Steps in search of women for Temujin.  In exchange for a brief rendezvous a herder's wife or daughter returned home sometimes "with child," but always with goats and horses for their family.  Temujin was invigorating the lineage of his people, he was certain of it.  Women added variety and excitement to Khan's day and satisfied a veracious sexual appetite.  For most women it was a great privilege to be married first and foremost to Temujin.  The exception was about to present herself to the great Kahn.

Sangita was the daughter of a goat herder.  She loved her dog, her horse and her father.  A beautiful twelve year old, her father had arranged several marriages - none suited Sangita.  By the standards of the Step she was getting on in years, he was worried about his only child.  Then Temujin's sex squad arrived in the hollow where his goats were grazing.

"Sangita," said the herder, "The great Khan wants you."

"Wants me for what, father," she was a little distracted by the braids she was tying into ropes

"To be his woman, daughter."

Sangita looked nonplussed.

"Do you understand what a privilege this is?  He will give you a son and give me goats and horses."

"Will he give me a horse?" asked Sangita

"Why wouldn't he?," the herder was uncertain.  "Wait, I will ask these men."  His deference to them impressed the soldiers.  They smiled and nodded yes, she would get live stock.  It was the order from the Great Khan to say anything to bring him young virgins.  Sangita was beautiful and without men.

"I want to stay here with you and my dog."  She scratched the head of her canine.

"You wouldn't be gone long," said the herder

"What do I have to do?"

"Lay with the great Khan and cause him to smile for you."

"Is he unhappy," Sangita was puzzled.

"Child, he is a powerful man and he can help us if you cooperate."

"I'd rather stay here and raise the little goat you gave me."

"Please child," the goat herder was growing desperate.  He would wish such a willful daughter on no one.

"Only if I can take my dog," Sangita was beginning to accept the idea.  After all it might be interesting to meet the Khan.

"Fine, yes, yes!" the herder was showing his impatience.

With promises secured from her father, Sangita mounted her beloved horse and rode away to the camp of the great Khan.  For Temujin, no conquest would be harder fought.

(to be continued next week)