The following may be offensive to some readers. The human female anatomy is used to demonstrate laws of physics. The intent was to inform and entertain.
Gravity and Inertia do wonderful things to a woman's body. It is physics in motion, which gives me cause to pause.
What is gravity? defines Gravity as “the force of attraction by which terrestrial (earthly) bodies tend to fall toward the center of the earth.” In other words if you drop a coin, it will fall to the ground. It will never fall up to hit your forehead.
Inertia is “the property of a terrestrial body by which it retains its state of rest or its velocity along a straight line until acted upon by an external force.” In other words, if a football is in motion it wants to stay in motion unless you put your foot in front of it. If the ball is not moving it will stay motionless unless you kick it.
So, both gravity and inertia are a force on terrestrial (earthly) bodies. We need an attractive terrestrial body to demonstrate these laws of physics in everyday life. How about your girlfriend? Let's say she is shifting her weight from her right foot to her left foot (kind of a hop). It would help if your girlfriend's breasts are large, but not necessary. When she hops, her breasts which were not in motion react to her body moving from right to left. The boobs gain velocity and are moving to regain their original position inside her bra. But wait, momentum keeps the boobies moving beyond their resting position even though your girlfriend completed the hop and is now motionless. Since they are attached to her chest her boobs snap back and come to rest in their original position. If the boobs were not attached they might keep moving for a while, till gravity slowed them down and they fell to earth. That's inertia.
Consider this picture for another moment. Nice, isn’t it!? Now lets add a second image to demonstrate gravity and inertia working in tandem.
Your girlfriend is standing at an intersection waiting for the light to change. She wants to cross the street. When the light changes she moves forward (it helps the demonstration if she is wearing spike heals). Basically her body is falling forward. With each step she is breaking the fall and balancing on her two feet (a dance between gravity and inertia). This causes the hips to shift and jiggle. Another foot breaks the fall as it touches the ground. The hips keep moving forward suddenly shifting and jiggling. The left hip jiggles as the left foot falls forward and the right hip wiggles as the right foot falls forward. To the left, to the right, left and right. Women can be very rhythmic.
As all this hip work is taking place the bosom is in motion as well. Boobs are bouncing up and down and heaving forward and backward as the movement of your lady's shoulders compensate for each foot fall. Guys, this is pure physics in motion and it's glorious!
When the basics of physics are comprehended in daily life they then can be applied to the universe. Suddenly the motion of the earth and the moon, the behavior of the planets in our solar system can be understood. Just think, it all started with your girlfriend’s boobs reacting to gravity and inertia. Wow.
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